Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 – Rule 6 – contravention of – omission of the word ‘Rs./’’from one of the packets containing rechargeable LED flash lights – the compounding fees prescribed as Rs. 25,000/- under Rule 32(3) of the packaged Commodities Rules is in conformity with the Act, hence , the respondents are justified in applying Rule 32 (3) of the Packaged Commodities Rules for fixing the compounding fees. (M/s IMS Mercantiles Pvt. Ltd. vs. Union of India and others)
Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 – Rule 6 – Where a commodity consists of number of components and these components are packed in two or more units, such package carry information about the other accompanying packages or such declaration may be given on individual packages and intimation to that effect may be given on the main package and if the components are sold as spare parts, all declarations shall be given on each package. (R Panchapakesan (Managing Director) and another vs. The Inspector of Legal Metrology and another)